Communications Protocol

All of those involved in this project have been advised that they should not make any direct requests of financial or material support. It is inevitable that in your communications with partners you will become aware of any particular problems that they are facing, and in some cases you may even become aware of disturbing examples of poverty and distress. But we have agreed with all those involved that you should never be asked directly to provide any financial or material support to their preschool (or to individuals or families!). If you do get any communications of this sort (it may be understandable BUT), we don’t want you to answer them – you should inform us and we will talk to them.  There are established charitable agencies that may be able to provide support, and where appropriate, they will be advised. But it should be understood that the objectives of this partnership initiative are not primarily charitable. The aim is for us to work together to develop more sustainable curriculum practices in early childhood education.  So we hope that you are not faced with any direct requests for support, but if it does happen, please respond by simply saying that you have passed their request on.

An important principle that all of those involved are aware of is that the partnerships should involve two-way support, and that the forms of support that partners are able to offer will inevitably vary. It may be that the only support that your partner can realistically offer you will be in providing ideas, inspiration and resources for curriculum development. You may be able to offer them more material support. In either case, we will be providing on-going support to facilitate this process.

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